1. Fallen leaves 落叶:
leaf-strewn 铺满落叶的
foliage /ˈfoʊliɪdʒ/ n. 叶子(总称)
maple /ˈmeɪpl/ n. 枫树
deciduous /dɪˈsɪdʒuəs/ adj. (树)落叶的
crunch /krʌntʃ/ v. n. 嘎吱作响
rustle /ˈrʌsl/ v. 沙沙作响
rake /reɪk/ v. n. 耙
Already the usual grey of the concrete side-walk is adorned the transient beauty of the fallen leaves. As I walk to the bus stop in my woolen coat, I deliberately tread on each one to hear the crunch.
So, in the autumn, when leaves start to fall from the trees, it is time to get that old rake out of the shed.
migrate /ˈmaɪɡreɪt/ v. 移动
Birds migrate north to take advantage of seasonally abundant food, but as the weather gets colder, they mostly leave for mild wintering grounds in the tropics of Africa.
1. Colorful 五彩纷呈:
bronze /brɑːnz/ n. 青铜色
amber /ˈæmbər/ n. 琥珀色
scarlet /ˈskɑːrlət/ n. 红色
golden /ˈɡoʊldən/ n. 金色
rust-colored n. 铁锈色
brilliant /ˈbrɪliənt/ adj. 灿烂的
spectacular /spekˈtækjələr/ adj. 壮不雅的
magnificent /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/ adj. 壮丽的
The trees remained clothes in green until the middle of October and then all of a sudden were a riot of color.
A single golden leaf landed light on the ground, the shiny, vibrant color standing out against the ambers and bronzes beneath.
The trees were skirted by a pool of autumn gold and rust colored leaves.
With autumn just around the corner, now is the time to plan a trip to take in some of the most spectacular displays of fall color.
1. Harvest 成绩:
harvest /ˈhɑːrvɪst/ v. 收割
reap /riːp/ v. 成绩
corn stalk n. 玉米秸秆
hay bale 干草捆
巨乳gifscarecrow /ˈskerkroʊ/ n. 稻草东谈主
Happy Autumn! May you reap all that you have sown!
Dried cornstalks serve as a staple of autumn décor, either used on their own or paired with other sights of the season, such as hay bale, pumpkins and gourds.
2. Bountiful harvest 硕果累累:
ripe /raɪp/ adj. 锻练的
bountiful /ˈbaʊntɪfl/ adj. 丰富的
abundant /əˈbʌndənt/ adj. 丰富的
Head to the hills this autumn to pick up your own figs, apples and strawberries, and stock up at farm markets where the bountiful harvest includes chestnuts and ripe persimmons.
3. Crop 五谷:
crop /krɑːp/ n. 庄稼
maize /meɪz/ n. 玉米
grain /ɡreɪn/ n. 谷物
Celebrate this fall with an adorable little maize wreath!
4. Nuts 坚果:
acorn /ˈeɪkɔːrn/ n. 橡实
almond /ˈɑːmənd/ n. 杏仁
pecan /pɪˈkɑːn/ n. 山核桃
chestnut /ˈtʃesnʌt/ n. 栗子
Upon the newly softened mud were the acorns – from green to pale brown.
There’s nothing like making pecan pie in the fall. Delightfully decadentand rich, it’s the ultimate comforting cold-weather food.
5. Fruits and vegetables 瓜果飘香:
apple /ˈæpl/ n. 苹果
pumpkin /ˈpʌmpkɪn/ n. 南瓜
gourd /ɡɔːrd/ n. 葫芦
persimmon /pərˈsɪmən/ n. 柿子
Fill the mug with hot apple cider and dash of allspice. Garnish with tall cinnamon stick and lemon slice.
You’ll be mopping up every last bit of this creamy pumpkin soup with crispy ciabatta.
1. Cool weather 天气转凉:
brisk /brɪsk/ adj. 清凉而新鲜的
crisp /krɪsp/ adj. 明白的
fresh /freʃ/ adj. 新鲜的
The air is brisk and the ground has a natural crunch. It is fall. Autumn is coffee, flannels, and leaves falling.
2. Frost, rain and fog 霜、雨、雾:
fog /fɑːɡ/ n. 雾
frost /frɔːst/ n. 霜
rain /reɪn/ n. 雨
sleet /sliːt/ n. 冻雨;雨夹雪
The autumn winds already blown keen and the mornings bring us frost.
But even with the wind and the rain, there is a distinct beauty about autumn; the colors and the smells join to make a picturesque scene.
3. Keep warm取暖:
cozy /ˈkoʊzi/ adj. 和睦酣畅的
fireplace /ˈfaɪərpleɪs/ n. 壁炉
fireside /ˈfaɪərsaɪd/ n. 火炉边
crackle /ˈkrækl/ v. 噼啪作响
scarf /skɑːrf/ n. 领巾
flannel /ˈflænl/ n. 法兰绒
woolen /ˈwʊlən/ adj. 羊毛的
The air was cooler with a hint of earthiness – just a hint that brought to mind the cozy evenings and a warm soup to come.
The soothingcrackle and long, dancing flame in the fireplace allows you to relive fond memories or create new ones in a warm, comfortable atmosphere.
1. Halloween 万圣节:
candy /ˈkændi/ n. 糖果
trick-or-treat 不给糖就捣蛋
costume /ˈkɑːstuːm/ n. (极度时局的)服装
ghost /ɡoʊst/ n. 鬼魅
scary /ˈskeri/ adj. 吓东谈主的
spooky /ˈspuːki/ adj. 令东谈主心惊肉跳的
Jack-O’-Lantern 杰克南瓜灯
You can share the frightful night with your significant other in style with cute couple costumes for Halloween.
The season of spooky jack-o’-lantern is upon us. With Halloween lurking just around the corner, people are stocking up on pumpkins to carve into creepy Halloween ornaments.